Distroboto – Art vending machine

July 9, 2010 - no comments. Posted by in Distribution.

Distroboto machine

Around Montreal there are several re-purposed cigarette machines, which now vend Art!  The project is called Distroboto. The one above is in a bar on St Laurent.  Different artists create items that can fit into a reused cigarette package, and they are sold for $2 via these machines.

Most of the works are small printed matter, such as small zines, or are music via cassettes.  I have seen mini-cds, but not this visit.

Above is the components of the what I purchased, which was identified as “buttons”.

nipple buttons

The actual art was a pair of buttons, and it took me a while to figure out what the images were.

mouse-over the following if you need help: Nipples!

I am working on a small run of trading cards, using recycled materials, to contribute to this project for sale in these machines.

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